Georg Rhaeticus



Mathematician and astronomer



* 16th February 1514, Feldkirch, Austria

  4th  December 1574, Košice


He was born on 16th February 1514 in Feldkirch, Austria. He began his studies of mathematics and astronomy in the year 1532 at the university of Wittenberg, where he received the title Master of Arts (1535). He was a teacher of mathematics at his alma mater. In 1539, he left to Fromborg, to Copernicus, where he spent two years. He came back afterwards, but since he was linked to Copernicus, he was pronounced unwanted and had to leave the university. After staying in Nurnberg, Krakow and maybe in Moldavia, he spent his last years in Košice.

Copernicus’ first study of the heliocentric system (Comentariolus, 1530) impressed young Georg so heavily that he sought its author. He became more familiar with the works and reflected on Copernicus in Fromborg. He was the first to inform the world with the heliocentric system in form of a letter to J. Schoner (Narratio de libris revolutionum Copernici, 1540)., Copernicus, strongly influenced by Rhaeticus, finished his main work and Rhaeticus deserved to publish  his book On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres. He was the owner of Copernicus’ handwriting until he died. In Krakow, he did astronomic observations and devoted himself to mathematics and mineralogy. In his last years, he focused only on astrology and medicine.

He died in Košice – according to some sources on 4th December 1574, other sources say he died on 4th December 1576.

Georg Rhaeticus aimed his effort mainly on astronomy. Although he did not find out anything consequential, Copernicus “would not be able to do anything without his insistency”. I also admire that he was a teacher of mathematics on Fromborg and with that, he helped to form a new generation of mathematicians.