Prof. RNDr. Beloslav Riečan, Dr.Sc



Beloslav Riečan was born 10.11. 1936 in Žilina. He devotes theory of size and integral, theory of probability and ordered sets. He studied at the University of Komenský in Bratislava. At the present he teaches at the University Of Matej Bel In Banská Bystrica. He is one of the most famous Slovak mathematicians. He is also well known in other countries.

He is the author of many textbooks for universities and grammar schools. He is a president of the Association of Slovak mathematicians a physicists and Slovak association of Roman club.

Prof. Riečan is also interested in music and literature. He supports slovak literature around the world. In 2002, the president of Slovakia, Rudolf Shuster, confered him first grade order of Ľudovít Štúr.